Since the National strategies, plans, statistics and reports don’t recognize persons with Cerebral Palsy and Autism as major categories of disabilities, they are considered among other classes of disabilities. As a matter of facts this has affected persons with CP and Autism who can’t easily access services like: Education, Healthcare, Economic empowerment to mention but a few.

  • Need for CPARO to mobilize the membership to form a critical mass that can advance their fundamental Human rights.
    Most of CPARO’s work has been done at the district level hence necessitating the need to reach grass root communities where most people with CP and autism don’t to medical care and other social amenities. The mobilization of people with CP and Autism in Eastern, Western, Northern, and West Nile regions attribute to a critical mass to advocate for service provision and recognition in the society.
  • Need for mobility appliance
    Many persons with severe CP and Autism are homebound who are unable to easily reach services due to lack of Mobility aids.Most of the victims are heavy and are taken care of by their mothers who are unable to carry them for therapies and other services. The mobility appliance has to be modified through assessment of people with Cp and Autism such that they receive an appliance that it fit and suitable for them.
  • Need for public awareness on Cerebral Palsy and Autism (At house hold, Community, And National Level)
    Psychological stress associated with Cerebral Palsy and Autism is known to be one of the common depressing conditions to families of people with Cp and Autism. Majority of parents, caregivers and community members in Uganda do not have adequate knowledge to handle these types of disability. Through awareness programs in the community people will acquire knowledge and skills which will help them to cope well with the demands of taking care of persons with Cp and Autism as well as ensuring that their rights are not violated.
  • Need for sensitization to Change the negative attitude of parents, Families and community members toward people with Cp and Autism
    There are still some challenges in homes and communities with people who have cerebral palsy and Autism. Most of the fathers don’t accepted the persons with Cp and Autism, calling them a curse and the majority of whom have abandoned such children to their wives making this the biggest hurdle for the victims to live a reasonable life. This is especially in the areas where CPARO has not reached in terms of mobilizing and community sensitization. A lot still needs to be done to enable persons with Cerebral Palsy and Autism, enjoy their fundamental human rights.
  • Need for access to medical care for people with Cerebral Palsy and Autism.
    Access to health centers is a big challenge to the people leaving with Cerebral Palsy and Autism. Most drugs are expensive and un-available in most of the health units especially in rural areas. This affects the social, psychological and physical wellbeing of children and adults with Cerebral Palsy. CPARO continues to advocate for the implementation of Article 25 of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. we have initiated a medical centre at our Head office in Gayaza Kayebe, Wakiso district under the theme “HEALTH FOR THE NEEDY”.
  • Poverty leading to limited access to basic human needs for children and youth with Cerebral Pa
    Majority of parents / caretakers of children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism are single mothers who are living in scummy poverty. They can hardly afford most of the basics of life for their children. In order to support them to care for these people, raising awareness on Cerebral Palsy should only be complemented with support for income generating activities. Some of the persons with Cerebral Palsy and Autism are on medication which is expensive and yet they need to accompany medication with good diet. This calls for supporting activities that can generate income to the families so as to meet the needs of the victims. Such support can enable families to provide good nutrition to the persons with CP and Autism especially for those who cannot chew and require specific types of soft food which may not be accessible without income.
  • Need to access educational opportunities.
    Most children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism are out of schools due to lack of fees, scholastic materials, mobility appliances and negative attitude of the parents and school administration. Out of a total 101 persons registered by CPARO who are between 5 to 25 years only 54 are in school.