Uganda is a signatory to the International Agreements/Commitments that provide for Learners with Special Needs. One example of such instruments that bind those agreements is the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (1994) which emphasizes the Right of all children, including those with temporary and permanent needs for educational adjustments to attend school in their home communities in inclusive classes and the Right of all children to participate in a child-centered education meeting individual needs. In consonance with the Government Constitution (1995), Uganda has put in place The Persons with Disability Act (2006) and has also ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2008). Both Instruments demand for Access, Equity and Quality as regards educational services for persons with special learning needs. To meet those requirements, the Ministry of Education & Sports put in place a Department responsible for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, created a department at the National Examinations Board to cater for examination of learners with diverse needs and launched a department at National Curriculum Development Centre consisting of a panel of 18 specialists in education of learners with special learning needs. The panel adopts and modifies the primary school curriculum to suit diverse learning needs and educational strategies.

Despite all the efforts, Children with Cerebral Palsy in Uganda continue to face challenges in accessing quality education due to inaccessible school environment, lack of Special Needs Education teachers and poor teaching methods, negative attitude from parents, pupils, teachers and community and lack of instructional materials. In addition, those with severe disabilities do not receive required assessment, individually adjusted teaching, training and equipment required. The Children’s Act, (Cap 59) 2000 Section 10 (a) provides for parents and state to assess nature and extent of disability of children and section 10 (c), provides for facilities for rehabilitation for children with disability and equal opportunity for education. This project is aimed at promoting access to quality education by children Cerebral Palsy and Autism in Uganda. CPARO will focus on advocating for access to quality education for CWDs as provided for in Article 24 (Education) of the UNCRPD. The project will engage local governments, Ministry of Education, UNEB and National Curriculum Development Center to address barriers to enrollment, retention and performance of children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism in schools. The project will address the challenge of negative attitude of the parents, teachers, local council leaders and the community about education of Children with disabilities through community sensitization, training of teachers in inclusive education and development of instructional materials.


To promote the inclusion of people with Cerebral Palsy and Autism in formal and informal education in order to enhance their access to employment and their participation in civic and economic processes.


  • Increased enrollment and retention of children with cerebral Palsy and Autism in schools.
  • Greater numbers of people with Cerebral Palsy and Autism who are out of school have now engaged in learning skills and promotion activities by 2020 and beyond.
  •  Improved access to formal and informal employment by people with Cerebral Palsy and Autism.


  • Mobilize and advocate for enrollment and retention of Children with cerebral Palsy and Autism in formal schools and other literacy programs.
  • Conduct community dialogue meetings on the rights of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism with major focus on the right to education.
  •  Provide equipment and scholastic materials necessary for effective learning of children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism to those who need and cannot afford.
  • Orient parents about school management committees and teachers on the educational needs and challenges for children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism.